Testimonial Swimming Pool Maldives

This page is not just for testimonials; you can also go ahead to share your story here with us. Feel free to talk to us for inquiries or feedback about our swimming pool products and services Maldives. The following reviews are proof of what we do and our dedication towards customer satisfaction in swimming pool services Maldives.

Testimonal #1

‘’…Thank you for the work you guys did on our pool. Every customer who has been to our hotel has promised to come back mainly because of the tranquility of our swimming pools and breathtaking waterfalls. The pool is now running smoothly, all lights perfectly in place. Swimming Pool Maldives transformed not just the beauty of our hotel but, created a timeless masterpiece. Although we were at first hesitant due to the expectation of higher repair and maintenance costs, we were shocked at the affordability of your services. You saved us a lot of money and, your services are simply impeccable!’’   Wendy

Testimonal #2

‘’…The exceptional swimming pool maintenance service that Swimming Pool Maldives does speaks for itself. I was referred to you by a colleague who said you did a great job on his swimming pool one month ago. True to his words, it is my first time hiring your company for swimming pool repair and maintenance but, I can only say am impressed. You just made me realize the difference between professionals and amateur. I was surprised at how fast your engineers were able to fix the lighting and filtration system of my swimming pool. Contrary to what I first thought, the quotation was just well within my budget. Cheers!’’ Sammy

Testimonal #3

‘’…Our swimming pools, steam rooms, sauna and spas are now excellent! The water is fresh and clean throughout, lighting is perfect and everything seems to be just top notch. Because of the professional maintenance work that you performed on our facilities, all our clients now leave with broad smiles. In the past few months, customers have complained about dirty pool water but, since the swimming pool water treatment that you performed early this month, business is picking up well. We are pleased to have worked with you in maintaining the water recreational facilities in our resort. Our company looks forward to working with you again.’’  Max

Testimonal #4

‘’This is the third time that we have hired your company for swimming pool cleaning and, we are so far impressed with your services. The cleaning was done thoroughly and everything put back to its place without any missing part. Even the kids noticed a difference in the sparkle and surroundings. Although the second time I was away on a trip, my wife said your personnel did well. Unlike other companies we have hired before, you do not have any extra charges after quotation. And, that is the reason we decided to work with you again in cleaning our swimming pool.’’ Andy

Testimonal #5

‘’…Swimming Pool Maldives has been handling the maintenance of the swimming pools and water falls in all our hotels for three months now. Your company is always very reliable and responds in the shortest time. Last week, we had a leak in one of our swimming pools and it did not take even an hour before your personnel came and fixed the hitch. Even in terms of scheduled swimming pool maintenance, you have always been very time conscious. Your workers are very polite and trusted, working without any supervision. Thanks to you, our swimming pools now look good and the waterfalls are breathtaking.’’ Kelvin

Testimonal #6

“’When our resort started operating three years ago, we did not have a reliable swimming pool maintenance contractor. Over the years, we have been hiring different companies to maintain our pools, water fountains, aqua ponds and spas. This has been very expensive and ineffective since some do very poor work. Since we hired Swimming Pool Maldives five months ago, there is a big difference. Our swimming pools have been revived to their original appeal and running quite smoothly. The water fountains are in their best and everyone who uses the spas says they can’t wait to come back.  You are the number one swimming pool maintenance contractor in Maldives.’’ CC

Testimonal #7

‘’…I have a big family at home and my swimming pool is constantly in use every day. But, even with the heavy traffic in my pool, it has always remained clean and fresh for the past six months. The secret is weekly swimming pool cleaning and maintenance service by Swimming Pool Maldives. They have done so much in preserving the beauty and hygiene of my swimming pool in the last six months. And, their engineers always do repairs and replacement as soon as problems are detected, which has helped me save a lot of money. In case you are looking for a company to provide regular and professional swimming pool service, get in touch with them.’’ Bruce

Testimonal #8

‘’…My swimming pool had been broken down for four months due to problems with the pool pump, plumbing and LED lighting. Last month, one of my friends suggested that I should try out Swimming Pool Maldives. One of the things that impressed me about your company is how fast you responded to inspect the swimming pool and submit a quotation. After I signed the quotation, your personnel started working straight away and, the work was done before I even knew it. My wife and I can now get back to our weekly swimming lessons. Thank you for restoring our swimming pool!’’ Vincent

Testimonal #9

‘’…Whenever clients come to our resort, the waterfalls, lily ponds, water play and musical fountains are the first place they want to visit.  This is because of their unique designs, construction and proper maintenance. In fact, most people say that they have been to many resorts in Maldives but, ours is striking simply because of these features. Your company just began working on replacement of the mosaics and tiles on our swimming pools and we hope you will deliver the best as you have always done in our water features. We are looking forward to continue using your services to maintain our swimming pools as well.’’ Charles