Difference Between Pool Repair Vs. Pool Restoration

Pool repair and restoration are procedures recommended to ensure that your swimming pool continues to operate as required and look good. Besides, they can also go a long way in enhancing the quality and value of the facility. Contrary to what most people usually think, there are significant disparities between pool repair and pool restoration. Knowing the differences between pool repair and pool restoration will enable you to make an informed decision on the most suitable procedure for your swimming pool.

This article looks into the difference between pool repair vs pool restoration.

What is pool repair?

Whether a swimming pool is built indoors or outdoors, it is constantly exposed to a wide range of elements of destruction. Although regular professional swimming pool maintenance can help with preventing most of the hitches experienced in swimming pools and their components, even well-maintained pools succumb to damage and wear. Whenever this happens, repair is usually the most ideal solution. Pool repair is only performed if a problem, failure or malfunction is experienced on a pool component.

Since swimming pools have a wide range of components, all of which can develop problems, repair solutions are usually based on the particular hitch being experienced, affected areas, extent of the damage as well as expectations of the pool owner. The procedures can also be based on the budget that you have. Pool repair can be administered on all the features and parts of the pool ranging from small tiny components to very complex ones.  Some of the main areas covered in common pool repairs include;

What is pool restoration?

Unlike repair, pool restoration is performed to revive the appeal of the facility in terms of performance and appearance. There could be no significant threat to the operations of the pool. Restoration is recommended to give the facility a new face for better performance and aesthetic appeal. In fact, the procedure can always be performed even if the facility is running smoothly. This means, pool restoration is not an urgent procedure like pool repair. It is mainly required to erase the effects of ageing and keep the pool looking new.

Depending on the condition of the pool, your expectations and budget, pool restoration can be conducted on specific parts or the entire facility. There are several pool components that can be refined through restoration. However, it is always advisable to first engage a professional for proper inspection of the pool to determine the areas that require restoration as well as suitable remedial measures. Some of the key pool restoration procedures that you can get from a professional include;

  • Swimming pool cleaning
  • Application of new pool finishes
  • Re-painting of pool surfaces and other structural components
  • Plastering swimming pool surfaces

While conducting swimming pool restoration, you can also introduce new equipment and supplies in order to provide the desired appeal. In fact, you can also opt for swimming pool equipment restoration. An ideal swimming pool refurbishment professional will be able to guide you on some of the best restoration materials and techniques for your pool and budget.

Choosing between Pool Repair and Pool Restoration

Considering both pool repair and pool restoration are aimed at preserving the value of a swimming pool, most people can find it a bit challenging to choose a suitable procedure for their pools. In order to determine the best procedure for your swimming pool between pool repair and pool restoration, you need to first make a few comparisons. The following are key factors to always consider when choosing between pool repair and pool restoration;

Cost of the services

The costs of pool repair and restoration usually vary based on the particular procedures to be performed, materials to be used, size and condition of the swimming pool. Besides, costs can also vary from one contractor to another. Generally, pool restoration is considered more expensive than repair. A good contractor can always help you in obtaining the best pool repair or restoration services for your budget.


When choosing between pool repair and restoration, it is also advisable to look into the amount of time each can take to conduct. Unlike restoration, pool repair usually takes less time to perform, which ensures you are able to resume using the pool without waiting too long. Restoration on the other hand, usually takes time, stretching to even months. In case you do not need the pool urgently, restoration could be a great option to refine its appeal.

User expectations

It is also important to consider the expectations of those who will be using the swimming pool in order to determine whether repair or restoration is the best for your pool. In case the users need a change of equipment or component for a new experience or activity, the most suitable procedure would be restoration. On the other hand, if one of the components is faulty or broken down, hindering users from getting the desired experience, repair would be the most appropriate.

Particular swimming pool services offered

Pool repair and pool restoration procedures usually vary from one service provider to another. When looking into the services offered, you should always keep in mind the particular problem being experienced and, also your reason for obtaining the services. You should only go for repair or restoration if the specific procedures offered will effectively address the problems and, meet your needs. For the best results, you need a pool contractor that can deliver comprehensive procedures.

Both pool repair and pool restoration can impact significant improvement in the performance and appearance of the swimming pool. In order to make your work easier with regards to choosing between pool repair and restoration, simply talk to a swimming pool expert.  Swimming Pool Maldives are the experts to always rely on for the ultimate swimming pool solutions Maldives.