Swimming Pool Cleaning

A swimming pool is always a great recreational facility that will keep your family relaxed and happy at home. In business like, resorts, a swimming pool is one of the key facilities that most visitors will always check before booking a night or weekend under your roof. In order to preserve the attractiveness and hygiene of your swimming pool, it must always be kept clean. A clean swimming pool will not only attract swimmers but, also create a beautiful and luxurious setting in your home or business.

Generally, all swimming pools including, those that remain covered when not in use attract various kinds of dirt and pollutants mainly from users, environment and other factors. When these wastes and pollutants are left to accumulate in the swimming pool, they can generate other complications like, failure of parts and components, infections to swimmers and bad smell. A dirty swimming pool is also a potential risk to the environment since the pollutants can easily find their way into the surroundings.

When seeking swimming pool cleaning solutions Maldives, Swimming Pool Maldives is the right partner to always rely on. Our company specializes in professional swimming pool repair and maintenance to ensure that all home owners and businesses across Maldives are able to get just the right fix for their pools. Depending on how frequent your swimming pool is used, its location and condition, we can provide customized cleaning services to keep it safe and appealing to all swimmers.

Professional Swimming Pool Cleaning Services

Today, there are various avenues that swimming pool owners can pursue in order to keep the facilities clean. Some usually opt to do the cleaning on their own manually while others also use automatic swimming pool cleaners. Although these options can work for some home pool  owners, not many have been successful in performing the tasks. To commercial pool owners, swimming pool cleaning can even be more challenging. But, there is no reason to worry because we can deliver the best results on your behalf in just a short time.

At Swimming Pool Maldives, we have professional swimming pool cleaners with experience in the industry to always provide the best touch to every pool. Due to the experience of our personnel, we understand the most effective pool cleaning supplies and techniques to apply in every step. In order to properly understand the condition of your swimming pool and determine suitable cleaning solutions, our professionals will properly inspect the pool.

The inspection enables us to easily know where a lot of focus should be placed when cleaning since pools do not usually get dirty uniformly. You will always find out that some parts have accumulated more dirt, algae and pollutants than others. In order to make sure that all the parts of your swimming pool are touched, we always recommend comprehensive cleaning. However, you may also opt for partial pool cleaning for specific parts.

We often begin cleaning by removing loose debris, leaves and other kinds of wastes floating on the water surface. This we mainly do using hand held nets and mesh. We will also thoroughly collect and dispose all the waste around the swimming pool. After that, we can now begin cleaning the specific components of your pool including, pump, filtration system among others. Due to the sensitivity of these components, our experts are always very keen when cleaning to bring out the best without causing any complications.

Our engineers will carefully open and clean the parts of your swimming pool pump to remove grime, debris particles and other wastes that might have stuck therein. Besides, we will also do cleaning for the filters and filtration system on your pool. In case we realize any type of damage or problem with these components during cleaning, we will always notify you and recommend the best solutions.

Since our company also offers professional swimming pool repair and maintenance, we can always fix any problems detected on parts and components of your pool too. After making sure that all the equipment are in proper condition and clean, we will then move to cleaning other sections of the pool like, the walls, linings and floor. The pool walls, linings and floor usually accumulate grime, mud, algae, bacteria, pathogens and other pollutants that must also be properly scrubbed off during cleaning.

Our personnel with thoroughly scrub the surfaces of your swimming pool’s walls, floor and lining to remove algae and stains caused by build-up of grime and waste. When scrubbing off the surfaces, we will also apply safe cleaning agents to kill bacteria and destroy all the breeding grounds for algae and pathogens. We will also scrub off the tiles and mosaics in case your swimming pool has them. This will leave the walls, floor and linings sparkling.

There are various other procedures that we can also conduct when cleaning swimming pools including, pool skimming, water balance, verification of the pressure and backwash of the filtration system, cleaning pool covers among others. With all the parts and components of your swimming pool clean, it will be easier to spot any signs of damage and wear, which we can also help you with. In fact, we always conduct an inspection after cleaning to check whether you pool may need any repair or maintenance work.

In case a problem is detected, our experts will be able to perform proper diagnosis to determine the particular hitches, areas affected and extent of impact for immediate and effective solutions. Besides, our company will also prepare a free quote, detailing all the problems unearthed and recommended measures. Even if you may not be ready for the procedures at the moment, we can still come back at a later date. Our professionals will also advise you on basic swimming pool care tips to keep the facility hygienic and running smoothly.

Order Swimming Pool Cleaning Maldives

At Swimming Pool Maldives, we can offer professional swimming cleaning on regular basis, bi-weekly, weekly, monthly or any other schedule that you may suggest. Our swimming pool cleaning services are well-tailored for home, community as well as commercial swimming pools. Simply get in touch with us for a free quote.