Swimming Pool Water Testing

Swimming pool water testing is a key pool care and maintenance procedure recommended for all swimming pools. By testing the swimming pool water regularly, you are able to determine whether the water is safe for use. Testing your swimming pool water helps in knowing the levels of PH, chlorine, alkalinity among other elements for proper treatment. Failing to test your pool water as recommended can impact the accumulation of harmful contaminants, which could endanger pool users as well as the integrity of the pool.

Despite the importance of swimming pool water testing, it is also one of the most confusing activities in pool care. And, this has made it quite challenging for many pool owners to get it right. In order to achieve the best results in swimming pool water testing, there are a few pointers that you need to take note of with regards to how the process should be conducted, the best time to do it as well as other requirements.

Useful Tips for Swimming Pool Water Testing

Recommended tests for swimming pool water

The swimming pool water contains several elements or chemicals, whose levels should be properly monitored when testing to ensure that that the water is safe. For those who own outdoor swimming pools, it is recommended that you test chlorine, PH, calcium hardness and total alkalinity levels. These can be done using a swimming pool test kit. However, you can also use a PH test kit to test the base and acidity levels of the pool.

Apart from the four main levels highlighted above, there are other tests that can also be conducted on the swimming pool water. Other swimming pool water tests can also be conducted for metals, phosphates, salt, TDS among others. Based on the tests that you have conducted, all the results should be carefully recorded in a log to help with easy reference during pool water balancing.

Recommended levels

When testing the swimming pool water, it is also important that you know the recommended levels for all the elements tested for. The following list shows the desirable levels to maintain in your swimming pool water;

  • PH 7.2 to 7.8
  • Calcium Hardness 200 to 400 ppm
  • Chlorine 1.0 to 2.0 ppm
  • Total Alkalinity 80 to 120 ppm
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) should be below 5000 ppm
  • Cyanuric Acid 20 to 50 ppm

How frequent should swimming pool water testing be done?

This is a question that most swimming pool owners are often bothered with. The swimming pool water should be tested regularly. In fact, commercial swimming pools that are used by the public are recommended for water testing every hour. In case you have a swimming pool in your home, the right frequency for water testing should be every two to three days or one week maximum. When conducting the tests, you should carefully check and record the levels for all the elements discussed above.

Using a swimming pool water test kit

In case you do not know how to use the swimming pool water test kit, it can be very difficult to maintain the quality of water therein. Although pool water test kits usually vary from one brand or model to another, they operate almost the same way. In fact, the test kits can be used even by an average swimming pool owner since they also come with instructions for use. Most brands and models of swimming pool test kits are four in one, which means they are able to test all the four main elements discussed above.

The following are basic steps on how to use a swimming pool water test kit;

  • Dip the plastic kit into the swimming pool water, making sure it sinks to at least 18 inches or more under the water.
  • Ensure that the sample swimming pool water inside the plastic kit is filled to the recommended level, clearly marked out on the cover.
  • Carefully read and follow given instructions on how each element should be tested after collecting water samples.

When testing swimming pool water, it should also be noted that there is always a specific procedure for every test. Other reagents may be added to the sample water to give accurate results of the tests. However, the processes may vary based on the particular type of test kit that you are using as well as what is being tested for. After conducting all the required tests, you should also thoroughly clean the test kit and keep in a safe place.

Translating test kit results and water treatment

The main aim of testing the swimming pool water is to determine the levels of elements discussed above. Depending on the given results, you should proceed to balance the PH and other levels to keep the water clean and safe. In some cases, you may need to add chemicals or lower the concentration. Although the test kit can also provide you with information on how to balance the pool water, it could still be challenging, especially if you have not done it before. The most efficient way to ensure that the water in your swimming pool is safe is through a professional swimming pool water treatment Maldives.

Hire professional swimming pool water treatment Maldives

Although the process of swimming pool water testing might seem simple to some, it can be quite daunting for an average pool owner. Even if you may be able to do the tests, it could also turn out that the kit is faulty. Without an expertise in the procedure, there are several mistakes that you can make, jeopardizing the overall tests results. Instead of taking the risk, let our professionals do the job.

At Swimming Pool Maldives, we can schedule and provide regular and effective swimming pool water testing and treatment for all residential and commercial swimming pools. We have the right swimming pool water testing technologies to produce accurate results for every pool. Based on the test results, our experts will conduct custom swimming pool water treatment Maldives to preserve the quality of water and entire pool.