Swimming Pool Water Chemistry

Whenever the term swimming pool water chemistry is mentioned, most people think it is another complex concept that will require them to go back to class. Swimming pool water chemistry mainly entails the maintenance of safe and clean pool water. However, there are a few things that you need to know in swimming pool water chemistry to make sure that the water quality is preserved throughout.

Although the swimming pool water may look clean, there are several harmful elements and substances that could be deeply entrenched therein. If these elements are left to build up in the swimming pool water, they could cause health conditions on swimmers, corrosion to certain pool equipment and, even render the entire facility useless. This guide provides a detailed insight into swimming pool water chemistry.

Categories of swimming pool water chemistry

Swimming pool water can be divided into two main classes; water sanitation and water balance.

Water sanitation

Water sanitation refers to the treatment of swimming pool water. In case the swimming pool water is not sanitized, you are likely to experience rapid multiplication of bacteria in the water, which could pose great danger to bathers. Water sanitation is ideal for preventing the spread of disease-causing organisms and algae. Besides, it also contributes the general hygiene of the swimming pool.

There are several sanitizers that can be used in the treatment of swimming pool water but, most residential pool owners apply chlorine. Chlorine is mainly used to fight bacteria and other germs. You may also consider applying algaecide to help in preventing the growth of algae. Since these items contain chemicals, a lot of care is always advised when using them for safety.

In order to conduct proper water sanitation, you need to know the recommended swimming pool supplies to use, effective application techniques and levels as well as frequency of the process. On your own, this might be a daunting task. The most convention option for effective pool water sanitation is hiring a professional for swimming pool water treatment Maldives. An expert will be able to perform all the procedures to standard, leaving your pool water clean and fresh.

Pool water balance

Water balance is an integral factor in the swimming pool water chemistry, which is aimed at maintaining the recommended PH levels. In fact, the PH level affects the levels of other elements in the pool water. PH simply refers to the scale of measurement for the levels of acidity and alkalinity. However, there are several other factors that can also impact the water balance. Some of the key products recommended for proper water balance include;

  • Sodium carbonate (Soda Ash) or PH Plus, which is applied whenever they is need for an increase in the PH levels
  • Chlorine Stabilizer recommended for maintaining the chlorine levels in the pool
  • PH Minus or Sodium Bisulphate used for decreasing the PH level
  • Clarifiers or Filter Acids for eliminating debris or other foreign materials that could interfere with the PH levels of pool water.


As pointed out above, PH shows the relative alkalinity or acidity of the swimming pool water. It is measured on a range of 0 to 14. 0 indicates strong acidity while 14 indicates strong alkalinity. On the scale, 7 indicates neutral PH.  When conducting water balance, it is important to bear in mind that the recommended PH levels for swimming pools should be between 7.2 to about 7.6. This level shows a slight alkalinity, which is safe to the human body and non-corrosive. Besides, this PH level is also ideal for the application of chlorine.

Dangers of pool water with PH levels below 7

In order to clearly see the importance of maintaining the recommended PH levels in your pool water, you should also know some of the risks of failing to do that. In case the PH levels of your pool water fall below the neutral mark, you are likely to experience increased acidity that could have harmful impacts on swimmers. Swimming in a pool with too low PH levels could cause irritations to the eyes among other unpleasant health complications.

Due to the increased acidity in pool water with PH levels less than 7, you will also experience corrosion on the swimming pool heating elements like, pump and other metallic surfaces. Besides, dissolved metals in the water could also stain the walls, giving you a very hard time in swimming pool cleaning. When the swimming pool water loses alkalinity fast, the liners could also start wrinkling, impacting huge pool repair and maintenance costs.

Risks of higher PH levels

The PH levels of pool water are considered too high if they go past the 8th mark on the PH scale. This could easily slow down the activity of chlorine and, even make it ineffective if not addressed immediately. Too high PH levels can also impact the formation of scale and other unwanted matter on the pool walls. The water will also become cloudy, pushing the filtration system to work harder than it is designed to. Bathing in swimming pools with higher PH levels can also cause irritation to the eyes and skin.

Adjusting the PH levels of swimming pool water

In order to maintain the recommended PH levels in your swimming pool water, the first step is to conduct swimming pool water testing regularly. This will enable you to know the state of the pool water for proper PH level adjustment. In case the test results show that the PH levels are too low, you should raise it by adding sodium carbonate. Sodium hydroxide can also be applied to raise PH levels but, if it still persists, you may need to consider raising the total alkalinity levels.

In case you test the pool water and find out that the PH levels are higher, you can lower it by adding sodium bisulphate or hydrochloric acid. However, you must always be sure of the right amount of chemicals to be applied and how it is done for success. To avoid all the hassles involved in these processes, simply hire swimming pool water treatment Maldives.