Common Swimming Pool Repairs

There are various kinds of problems that can be encountered in swimming pools. These problems can result from a wide range of causes including, poor pool construction and maintenance, equipment failure, ageing, environmental impacts, and activities of the users among others. Whenever your swimming pool is having a problem, which is hindering users from getting the required experience and threatening its value, it is always advisable to immediately get a professional to look into it and provide a suitable remedy.

When seeking swimming pool repair solutions, it is important to keep in mind that the procedures usually vary depending on the particular problem experienced, its magnitude as well as expectations of the pool owner. In fact, the repairs could also be based on your budget. Nevertheless, you should know the common swimming pool repairs Maldives and, also how they are administered for convenience when faced with issues.

Common swimming pool repairs

Swimming pool pump repair

The pump is considered the heart of the swimming pool, which is also a key spot for frequent pool problems. A swimming pool pump can encounter a wide range of faults in one or more of its moving parts. The pool pump motor is one of the areas where most problems experienced on this part occur. Depending on the particular hitch and extent of damage, the motor and other affected parts can either be fixed or replaced. In order to avoid frequent swimming pool pump repairs, you should get high quality parts and, also have them inspected regularly. Owing to the complexity of the pool pump system, you should always leave its repair and maintenance to a swimming pool expert.

Swimming pool filtration system repair

The swimming pool filtration system is responsible for maintaining proper hygiene, keeping away debris and loose dirt particles from contaminating the water. Whenever the system can no longer serve this purpose, you will need to have it checked and fixed. The repair may include proper cleaning of the system, replacement of filter cartridges among other procedures. In most occasions, filter problems result from failure to regularly empty and clean the filters. But, only a professional can effectively diagnose swimming pool filtration system problems and provide a lasting solution.

Swimming pool plumbing repair

The plumbing system is also another area where most pool repairs are conducted. Swimming pool plumbing repair can involve, fixing and replacing broken pipes, sealing cracks on the bottom and walls of the pool among others. Unlike other common types of pool damage and wear, plumbing problems are usually very difficult to notice. Whenever you suspect any plumbing anomaly on your swimming pool, it is always advisable to contact a professional for proper inspection and administration of custom swimming pool plumbing repair Maldives.

Swimming pool water treatment

There are various elements that can interfere with the quality of your swimming pool water. One of the signs of a pool water that requires treatment is algae growth. Sometimes, you may also notice that the color of the water has changed and it’s producing foul smell. This not only presents hazards to the pool users but, could also damage other components, shortening the lifespan of the swimming pool. Swimming pool water treatment mainly entails proper water testing and balancing of the PH levels to effectively eliminate contaminants. Water treatment can be performed using chlorine, UV or ozone. But, an expert will always choose safe and effective supplies for sanitizing your swimming pool water.

Swimming pool inspection, leak detection and repair

Leaks are also a common occurrence in swimming pools, mainly experienced in the plumbing system, pump among other areas. One of the key threats of leakages is, water loss that could quickly translate into huge water bills. Besides, they can also weaken the pool structure, causing faster ageing. In case you are suspecting a leakage on your swimming pool, a professional can be useful in conducting thorough pool inspection and offering suitable solutions to seal off all the openings. Depending on where the leak is experienced and extent of impact, the repair can include, plastering the surfaces, patching, replacing the broken components among other techniques.

Swimming pool lining repair

The swimming pool lining is integral in keeping water therein and, damages to it could impact huge losses. A torn pool lining will also harm the integrity of your swimming pool, causing quick degeneration of the entire facility. Damage to the swimming pool lining mainly results from the impacts ageing and human activity. By having an expert examine the lining of your swimming pool regularly, small tears can be patched up before they develop into larger cracks. For larger tears, which cannot be patched up, you may be required to get a new lining installed onto the pool. The professional will advise you on the most suitable pool lining repair procedure.

Swimming pool tiles and mosaics repair and replacement

Tiles and mosaics play an important role in enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the swimming pool. In most occasions, pool tiles and mosaics are damaged by users, environmental factors as well as tear and wear. The hitch can be in the form of cracks, large scratches and fading. Whenever this happens, repair can be done by filling up the cracks or replacement based on where they are experienced and magnitude of impact. On the other hand, you can also hire swimming pool tiles and mosaics repair and replacement Maldives whenever you need to change the appearance of the pool.

Swimming pool lighting repair and replacement

Swimming pool lighting is important in improving visibility so you are able to use the pool even at night. On the other hand, it also enhances the safety of the pool. In most occasions, pool lighting problems are caused by faulty bulbs, poor electrical connections, faulty wires as well as damage and wear. In order to revive the pool lighting, repair may entail correcting electrical faults. However, there are also cases whereby you may be required to buy new wires, lights and other relevant accessories.

Some of the common swimming pool repairs discussed may seem simple to perform. However, attempting to work on the pool on your own could only impact more trouble. Instead, talk to us for professional swimming pool repair and maintenance Maldives.